
【會務訊息】「2024年日本國際智慧能源週World Smart Energy Week - H2 & FC EXPO 2024」即將開始囉

2024年日本國際智慧能源週World Smart Energy Week - H2 & FC EXPO 2024」即將開始囉🎉🎉🎉

「台灣氫能與燃料電池夥伴聯盟」為推廣台灣氫能與燃料電池技術產品,將於2024228-31日於東京台場Tokyo Big Site展館攤位編號W13-72展出台灣最新氫能與燃料電池技術產品與設置實績。


w   百德機械/Winbro氫能燃料電池解決方案,包含微型雷射、微距雷射、放電加工鑽孔技術、客製化方案等。

w   工研院綠能所:氫能示範驗證平台、定置型SOFC發電系統、次世代高效率電解產氫系統。

w   高力:氫能發電技術之循環經濟,包含燃料電池發電系統、氫氣純化及CCS等。

w   亞氫動力:綠能加氫站、氫能產業及供應鏈應用、氫能交通工具、氫能固定電源等。





🏠活動地點:日本東京國際展示場-西21Tokyo Big Sight West Halls 2 (1F)




“World Smart Energy Week – H2 & FC EXPO 2024” Coming soon 🎉🎉🎉

Taiwan Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Partnership (THFCP) is proud to showcase the latest achievements and innovations in hydrogen and fuel cell applications and technologies in Taiwan. At Tokyo Big Site, Stand W13-72, from February 28-March 1, 2024, we’ll be presenting Taiwan's cutting-edge R&D, applications of hydrogen technologies, and deployments in our demonstration sites.

Please join us and learn more about the latest trends in hydrogen energy and fuel cells. We will introduce Taiwan's hydrogen energy and fuel cell supply chain at our stand. Also, offering a brochure with complimentary list of hydrogen supply chain partners, freshly published by THFCP.

Exhibitors will present the following fresh technologies and achievements, as well as conduct collaborative exchanges. Enhance the development of hydrogen energy to better meet market changes and customer needs.

w   Quaser/Winbro: Hydrogen Ful Cell End to End Solutions, including Laser Micro, EDM, Laser Macro, and Custom etc.

w   ITRI-GEL: Hydrogen Energy Development Platform, Stationary Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power System, and AEM High Efficiency Electrolysis System

w   Kaori: Hydrogen Generation/ Purification/ CCS - Circular Economy

w   Asia Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen Refueling Station, FC Industry/Logistic Usage, FC Transportation, and H2 Stationary Generator etc.

We gladly invite interested parties all over the world to explore Taiwan's hydrogen energy and fuel cell applications and technologies. Through various events and opportunities, get to know about our hydrogen development and explore potential collaboration opportunities with us!


Dates: 10:00-18:00 February 28 (Wed) - 29 (Thu) and 10:00-17:00 on March 1 (Fri), 2024

🏠Venue: Tokyo Big Sight West Halls 2 (1F), Japan

🔢Stand: W13-72

📄Exhibitors: Quaser/Winbro, ITRI-GEL, Kaori, Asia Hydrogen Energy